Renato has over 40 years of experience in management, finance, turnarounds and M&A. He is Íntegra Associados’ Founding Partner.
Renato was a Board Member of Parmalat in Brazil, as part of Íntegra’s restructuring advisory effort. He was also Director of the Boards of Telemig, Tele Norte, Telet, Americel (large Brazilian mobile phone operators) and Hopi Hari. Renato acted as President of TIW do Brasil.
Previously, Renato worked as M&A Director for Bank of America in Brazil, and M&A Superintendent for Unibanco (now Banco Itaú), having participated in transactions such as Vale, Philco, Batavo and Etti, among others. He was also Finance Manager at Promon Tecnologia, and Senior Auditor at Price Waterhouse.
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Renato holds an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado, and an MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA. He also participates since 2012 in CEO Seminars at Harvard Business School and London Business School, and coordinates and has lectured on turnaround seminars at universities in Brazil and abroad (Columbia, Sorbonne, Oxford and Insper).

Marcelo Milliet has over 30 years of professional experience, having held positions as CEO and CFO in both Brazilian and multinational companies with business interests in various market segments, in Latin and North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Marcelo participated in several restructuring projects, such as Grupo Matarazzo, Grupo Dadalto (retail and finance branches), Cia Albertina Industrial e Mercantil, Cotia (trading), Grupo Isolux Brasil, Eternit and Grupo Libra.
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Marcelo acted as Interim Manager for the Judicial Recovery process of Cia. Albertina Industrial e Mercantil. He was member of the HBO Latin America Executive Committee, member of the Board for Fermenta Produtos Químicos Amalia S.A. (Joint-Venture Matarazzo/Bayer) and a member of the Advisory Board of Trificel Indústria e Comércio
(Joint-Venture Matarazzo/Hoechst).
Marcelo was also Director and an Advisory Board Member of A2Z Assessoria em Recursos Humanos, and an Advisory Board Member of Norsal – Norte Salineira S.A. Indústria e Comércio and of Greenwood Indústria e Comércio Ltda. He was Senior Executive Vice-President and Statutory Director of Grupo Matarazzo, Managing Director of HBO Brazil Partners, CEO, Senior Executive, Vice-President and CFO of Grupo Traffic Marketing Esportivo and Director of New Businesses for CIE Brasil/T4F.
Marcelo was a member of the Fiscal Board and a former Director of CORPES (Corporação de Estudos Sociais – Social Studies Corporation). He is a regular contributor and former member of the Board of APAE–SP (Association of Parents and Friends of Disabled Individuals). He was also Vice-President of ABICS (Brazilian Association of Soluble Coffee Industries) and a member of CNC (National Coffee Council).
Marcelo holds an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EASP-FGV-1981), specializing in Mergers and Acquisitions.

He was Tonon Bioenergia SA CEO from 2011 to 2015. Previously, he led Infinity Bioenergy Ltd restructuring process, where he also acted as CFO and Investor Relation Director. He developed his career in financial institutions, such as Banco Espírito Santo, Unibanco (today Itaú BBA) and Safra.
Rodrigo holds a Bachelor degree in economy from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC/SP), a specialization course in finance from UCLA at Berkeley and holds and MBA degree from IBMEC-SP (today Insper). He is also involved in philanthropic activities, acting as Board of Trustees Member of the Fundação Dorina Nowill for Blind People.


He worked as Risk analyst at G5 Evercore asset management creating systems that increases operational performance and generates significant improvement in portfolio control. Previously, Daniel has worked with Investment strategy at GPS Investimentos participating on the portfolio selection of the Company’s Clients. Also, he has contributed in the negotiation and structuring of fixed Income funds.
Daniel Calori holds an MBA degree from the London Business School (LBS), specialized in change management, and a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Escola Politécnica at University of São Paulo (POLI-USP).

Luis is a member of the Turnaround Management Association, holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Escola de Engenharia Maua, Brazil and an MBA degree from the University of North Carolina, with concentration in Corporate Finance and Entrepreneurship.

Samy holds a Bachelor degree in Naval Architecture and Oceanic Engineering from Escola Politécnica at University of São Paulo (POLI-USP).

Monique holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology – Unip and MBA in Human Resources -USP / FIA. Also a Graduate Course in Neuroscience – Instituto Albert Einstein , Summer Extension Course in International Business and Human Resources – Harvard University and Graduate Course in Human Resources– from FAAP Administration.

André holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), with majors in Controllership and Finances from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC-PR).

Caio holds a degree in Production Engineering from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, extension program at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), and a postgraduate degree in Financial Engineering from Faculdade Instituto de Administração (FIA).

Previously, he served as CFO and Head of Planning and Finance at national and multinational companies such as First Data and Interpublic. He also held positions as Finance and Controllership Manager at Cielo and Sherwin-Williams, and as an auditor at KPMG and Arthur Andersen.
Daniel holds a degree in Business Administration from PUC/SP, post graduated in Business Management for Executives from FGV/EAESP, and is certified in Restructuring and Turnaround by FIA/USP.

Glenda holds a degree in Business Administration from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) and Accounting from FIPECAFI.



Isabela Bordignon worked in the Corporate Strategy and New Business areas at Suzano S.A., engaging in structuring business development initiatives through partnerships, new business planning, financial viability and business expansion, such as the creation of Biomas’ business model – a venture dedicated to restoring and conserving 4MM hectares of native forests in Brazil, which included raising investments from large players. Isabela holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Insper, with an extension at Solvay Business School in Brussels (Belgium).

Maria Isabel holds a Bachelor’s degree in English/Portuguese Literature from Universidade São Francisco and Extension Courses in Human Resources from Fundação Getúlio Vargos, and Recruting and Selection from Integração Escola de Negócios

He participated in buy-side and sell-side projects, as well as capital raising, performing tasks related to financial modeling, due diligence, and market approaches.

Rafael holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Insper and a master’s degree in Economics from University of Queensland (Australia).

R. Tenerife, 67, 8º andar, cj. 84
V. Olímpia, 04548 040, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
11 35850454 / 48785072